WDS upload image but Network not working...

I've got a problem with uploading an image of a HP1000-1403AU laptop.

Once the laptop boots from network to the capture session for WDS (F12), the network card (Realtek PCIE FE controller drivers) is not supported by the boot image, so the network card isn't loaded with the driver and theres no connection to the WDS server.

I've found a few answers in among many posts on the Microsoft sites, but this was the solution that worked.

for everybody that are having problems connecting to the WDS server in the Capture image window. I have found one solution.

The problem is the LAN driver missing in the WindowsPE boot image. You can add the driver in the booting image or you can load it later. So if you know you can't connect to upload the image to WDS then download the LAN driver for your network card, put it on a floppy or USB. 

  1. Start the image capture process. 
  2. Before you connect to WDS server start a command window with Shift+F10. Ping the server IP. 
  3. If times out or you get an error, load the driver with drvload *****.ini (in my case it was *.inf) where *****.ini is the file on the floppy corresponding to your LAN driver. You can use USB as well to store driver files on but I didn't try that. (I used the USB method and it worked. Plug it in when you start the image capture process. The USB is assigned the drive letter F:) You should receive an ‘Successfully loaded driver’ message. 
  4. Now you have to initialize the network card with the command 'wpeutil InitializeNetwork'. You will receive a ‘Command completed successfully’. 
  5. Now you should be able to ping the WDS server. You can continue the process of capturing the XP image (or Win7 image) as stated in other tutorials. 

Monday, November 17, 2008 11:40 AM

In my case it was a win7 image that need to be uploaded, but it worked all the same.


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