GAM and Commands to Remember
Reminders about using GAM for Google Admin
I've been working with Google Admin for a while, but when it comes to organising users at the beginning of the year, I keep loosing the details that I need to complete the tasks. So I'm putting details into this post about what commands I need to remember and the steps for this.Print out all users in an organisation
This command will print all of the details of users in your domain. This will give me their account and most importantly, their organisation unit.gam print users allfields > users.csv
Changing users to other organisational units
This command will allow me to use a text file I've created from the download of all the user details to move users from OUs to elsewhere. The text file only needs the first part of the email address, minus ""
gam file users.txt update user org "/Users/Leaving"
Email, FirstName, LastName, OrgUnit, Password
And add them to a CSV file. Once completed, the command is:
gam csv users.csv gam create user "~Email" firstname "~FirstName" lastname "~LastName" org "~OrgUnit" password "~Password" changepassword on
gam csv pass.csv gam update user ~Email password ~Password changepassword on
GAM Cheat Sheet
gam file users.txt update user org "/Users/Leaving"
Bulk upload of new users
To do this, I need to get the list of the new users with the following details and column headings:Email, FirstName, LastName, OrgUnit, Password
And add them to a CSV file. Once completed, the command is:
gam csv users.csv gam create user "~Email" firstname "~FirstName" lastname "~LastName" org "~OrgUnit" password "~Password" changepassword on
Password reset and force change password
gam csv pass.csv gam update user ~Email password ~Password changepassword on
GAM Cheat Sheet
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